Learning Module S2: Strategic Resource Allocation
Learning Module S2 materials
Public School Finance: How Schools Are Funded - NM PED Presentation
Planning & Development > Create Desired Outcomes, Develop Progress Indicators, and Define Critical Actions
Public School Finance: How Schools Are Funded - NM PED Presentation
Resource Type
The Impact of COVID-19 on State Education Funding: A State-by-State Analysis by Learning Policy Institute, New Mexico June 2020
Planning & Development > Create Desired Outcomes, Develop Progress Indicators, and Define Critical Actions
The Impact of COVID-19 on State Education Funding
Resource Type
NM DASH Learning Modules
Planning & Development
Access the NM DASH Learning Modules, administered through a Canvas course.
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NM DASH Module S2 Activity Journal - Strategic Resource Allocation
Planning & Development > Create Desired Outcomes, Develop Progress Indicators, and Define Critical Actions
Learning Module S2 Activity Journal
Resource Type
NM DASH Learning Modules Case Study
Implementation & Monitoring, Planning & Development
Learning Modules Case Study
Resource Type
NM DASH Activity S2.7 – Connect the Principles of Strategic Resource Allocation with the NM DASH Process Guide
Planning & Development > Create Desired Outcomes, Develop Progress Indicators, and Define Critical Actions
Learning Module S2
Resource Type
How much more does a disadvantaged student cost?
This paper provides a guide to statistically based methods for estimating the extra costs of educating disadvantaged students...
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Recommended Reading