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NM DASH Learning Modules

Access the NM DASH Learning Modules, administered through a Canvas course.

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    Planning & Development
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Access the self-paced NM DASH Learning Modules. If you need access to Canvas, click here for instructions.

This course is designed to guide School Core Teams through a process of examining and addressing the needs of at-risk students throughout their planning activities and to guide school leaders through the basics of New Mexico funding and strategic resource allocation.

  • Upon completing this course], participants will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of ensuring the School Core Team has representation for all student groups.
  • Show understanding of disaggregating and analyzing multiple types of data to discern specific needs for all student groups.
  • Generate plans for implementing at-risk student services.
  • Show understanding of key terms: strategic resource allocation, blending/braiding, student groups, alignment, flexibility, SEG, funding source, equity.
  • Demonstrate the use of local data to identify student needs and align funding to those needs.