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2024-2025 Process Guide for ATSI/TSI/CSI for Student Group Schools
Updated June 2024
The NM School DASH Process Guide sets a vision and defines a process to ensure a common approach, consistency of language, and a laser-like focus on improving student outcomes. It provides guidance to schools as they engage in the change process and identify key resources to support change efforts. Finally, the guide helps document critical offline planning, implementation, and monitoring activities, and frames substantive collaborative conversations.
There are four versions of the NM School DASH Process Guide.
- Process Guide for Spotlight Schools and Traditional Schools
- Process Guide for TSI/ATSI Schools and CSI Student Group(s)
- Process Guide for CSI/MRI Low Performance Schools
- Process Guide for CSI/MRI Graduation Rate Schools
This document provides guidance for ATSI/TSI Schools and CSI Student Group(s).
Note: English learner programs and services are part of Layer 1 instruction and align to both the NM State Content Standards and NM English Language Development Content (ELD) Standards. Progress in English Language Proficiency (ELP) is addressed through the NM English Language Development Content (ELD) Standards/WIDA English Language Development Standards (2020 Edition).
Each guide outlines the six components necessary to complete rigorous planning, design monitoring activities, and inform implementation. Each provides schools with a common language and common expectations to help build shared momentum for change (see Appendix A for a Glossary of Terms). The six components are:
- Component 1: Build School Core Team
- Component 2: Set Student Achievement Goals
- Component 3: Conduct Data Analysis and Identify THE Performance Challenge
- Component 4: Conduct Root Cause Analysis and Select Focus Areas
- Component 5: Create Desired Outcomes, Develop Progress Indicators, and Define Critical Actions (90-day Plan)
- Component 6: Implementation Status Checks